Class | Description |
AuditPackageMapper |
Provides methods for audit package access.
CommonProceduresMapper |
Provides methods for access to procedures not related to a specific package.
EnzymeClassMapper |
Maps enzyme class information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeCofactorMapper |
Maps reaction information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeCommentMapper |
Maps link information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeEntryMapper |
Maps enzyme entry information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeFutureMapper |
Maps future event information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeHistoryMapper |
Maps history event information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeLinkMapper |
Maps link information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeNameMapper |
Maps enzyme names information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeReactionMapper |
Maps reaction information to the corresponding database table.
EnzymeReferenceMapper |
Maps reference information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeSubclassMapper |
Maps enzyme subclass information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeSubSubclassMapper |
Maps enzyme Sub-subclass information to the corresponding database tables.
EventPackageMapper | Deprecated
HistoryEventMapper instead. |
HistoryEventMapper |
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