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AuditPackageMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Provides methods for audit package access.
AuditPackageMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.AuditPackageMapper


classExists(String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeClassMapper
Checks if the given class number is valid.
cloneExists(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Checks if a clone of an enzyme already exists.
close() - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
close() - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
close() - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
CommonProceduresMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Provides methods for access to procedures not related to a specific package.
CommonProceduresMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.CommonProceduresMapper
createClone(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.CommonProceduresMapper
Creates a clone of an enzyme by using its enzyme ID.


delete(Long, EnzymeLink, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
deleteAll(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Deletes all cofactors related to one enzyme instance.
deleteAll(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
Deletes all comments related to an enzyme instance.
deleteAll(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
deleteAll(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
deleteAllXref(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
deleteByCodeXref(Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
deleteByName(Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
deleteCitations(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
deleteCitations(List<Long>, Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
Deletes enzyme relations to publications (internally called citations).
deleteCompound(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Deletes a cofactor from the COMPOUND_DATA table.
deleteNames(Long, EnzymeNameTypeConstant, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
deleteOtherLinks(List<EnzymeLink>, Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
deletePublication(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
deleteXref(Long, EnzymeLink, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper


ecExists(EnzymeCommissionNumber, Connection) - Static method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Checks whether a given EC number already exists in the database.
EnzymeClassMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps enzyme class information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeClassMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeClassMapper
EnzymeCofactorMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps reaction information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeCofactorMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
EnzymeCommentMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps link information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeCommentMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
EnzymeEntryMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps enzyme entry information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeEntryMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
EnzymeEntryMapper(EnzymeReactionMapper) - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
EnzymeFutureMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps future event information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeFutureMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeFutureMapper
EnzymeHistoryMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps history event information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeHistoryMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeHistoryMapper
EnzymeLinkMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps link information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeLinkMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
EnzymeNameMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps enzyme names information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeNameMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
EnzymeReactionMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps reaction information to the corresponding database table.
EnzymeReactionMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
EnzymeReferenceMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps reference information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeReferenceMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
EnzymeSubclassMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps enzyme subclass information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeSubclassMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubclassMapper
EnzymeSubSubclassMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
Maps enzyme Sub-subclass information to the corresponding database tables.
EnzymeSubSubclassMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubSubclassMapper
EventPackageMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
use HistoryEventMapper instead.
EventPackageMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
exportAllEntries(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Exports every piece of data for publicly available entries.
exportApprovedSibEntries(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to export all approved entries containing only ENZYME relevant information.
exportSibCofactors(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Exports all cofactors which are displayed in the ENZYME view.
exportSibComments(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
Exports all comments which are displayed in the ENZYME view.
exportSibLinks(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
Exports all links which are displayed in the ENZYME view.
exportSibNames(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
Exports all names which are displayed in the ENZYME view.
exportSibReactions(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
Exports all reactions which are displayed in the ENZYME view.


finalize() - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
finalize() - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
finalize() - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
find(String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeClassMapper
Tries to find Class information about an enzyme.
find(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Tries to find cofactor information about an enzyme.
find(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
Tries to find comment information about an enzyme.
find(EnzymeEntry, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeFutureMapper
find(EnzymeEntry, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeHistoryMapper
find(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
Tries to find link information about an enzyme in tables LINKS and XREFS.
find(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
Tries to find name information about an enzyme.
find(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
Tries to find reaction information about an enzyme.
find(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
Tries to find comment information about an enzyme.
find(String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubclassMapper
Tries to find Subclass information about an enzyme.
find(int, int, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubSubclassMapper
Tries to find Sub-subclass information about an enzyme.
findAll(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeClassMapper
findAll(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Retrieves a list of compounds acting as cofactors in the database, along with the identifiers for the enzymes they appear in.
findAll(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find all public entries but loads the entries only with minimum information.
findAll(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubclassMapper
findAll(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubSubclassMapper
findAllByEc(int, int, int, int, Boolean, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
findAllByEc(int, int, int, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find entry information about all enzymes specified by the given EC.
findAllSubSubclassEntriesByEc(int, int, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
findByChebiId(String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Retrieves one cofactor from the IntEnz database by its ChEBI ID.
findByEc(int, int, int, int, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find entry information about an enzyme.
findByEc(String, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Finds an enzyme by EC number (as String) and status.
findById(Long, Connection, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find entry information about an enzyme.
findById(long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Loads a complete version of the enzyme with the given ID.
findByStatus(Connection, Status) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Retrieves the list of enzymes with a given status.
findCommonNames(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
Finds only the common name of an entry.
findEC(String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Returns the EC number of the given enzyme ID.
findFullProposedList(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find all proposed entries with all information.
findFullSuggestedList(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find all suggested entries with all information.
findGhostById(int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Loads a ghost version of the enzyme with the given ID.
findHistoryLine(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Returns the history line of the enzyme with the given ID.
findIDInMappingTable(String, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
findList(String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find all entries requested but loads the entries only with minimum information.
findList(String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubclassMapper
Tries to find all Subclasses requested.
findList(String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubSubclassMapper
Tries to find all Sub-subclasses requested.
findNextEnzymeId(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Returns the next available enzyme ID.
findNote(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Returns the note of the enzyme with the given ID.
findNumberOfClasses(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeClassMapper
Finds the number of classes.
findPreliminaryEcsList(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Gets the list of preliminary EC numbers issued by UniProt.
findProposedList(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find all proposed entries but loads the entries only with minimum information.
findPubIds(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
findSibXrefs(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
Finds all xrefs which are displayed in the ENZYME view.
findStats(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
findSuggestedList(Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Tries to find all suggested entries but loads the entries only with minimum information.
findSystematicName(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
Finds only the systematic name of an entry.
findXrefs(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
Tries to find SwissProt xref information about an enzyme.
futureEventExists(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeFutureMapper
Checks whether an entry in this table exists containing the given enzyme_id.


getCompound(Connection, Long) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Retrieves a compound (cofactor) from the database.


HistoryEventMapper - Class in uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
HistoryEventMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.HistoryEventMapper


insert(Collection<Object>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Stores the given list of cofactors into the database.
insert(List<EnzymeComment>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
Stores the given comment into the database.
insert(Long, EnzymeCommissionNumber, Status, EnzymeSourceConstant, String, String, boolean, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Inserts the core data of a new enzyme entry.
insert(List<EnzymeLink>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
Stores the given list of links into the database.
insert(EnzymeName, Long, Status, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
insert(EnzymaticReactions, Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
Stores the given list of reactions into the database.
insert(Reference, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
insert(List<Reference>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
Stores the given list of references into the database.
insertCompound(Compound, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Inserts one compound (cofactor) into the COMPOUND_DATA table.
insertEvent(Event, Long, Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.HistoryEventMapper
insertFutureCreationEvent(Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Inserts a new enzyme creation event into the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
insertFutureDeletionEvent(Long, Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Inserts a new deletion event into the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
insertFutureModificationEvent(Long, Long, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Inserts a new enzyme creation event into the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
insertFutureTransferEvent(Long, Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Inserts a new transfer event into the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
insertLink(EnzymeLink, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
insertMapping(Long, Long, EnzymeViewConstant, boolean, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
Inserts a mapping reaction-enzyme into the database.
insertNames(List<EnzymeName>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
insertSubSubclass(EnzymeCommissionNumber, String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubSubclassMapper
Creates a new row in the SUBSUBCLASSES table.


reload(Collection<Object>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Reloads the given list of cofactors into the database.
reload(List<EnzymeComment>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
reload(List<EnzymeName>, Long, EnzymeNameTypeConstant, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
reload(List<Reference>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
reloadLinks(List<EnzymeLink>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
rheaReader - Variable in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper


setRemark(String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.AuditPackageMapper
Sets a remark in the audit tables.
STANDARD_REMARK - Static variable in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.AuditPackageMapper
subclassExists(String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubclassMapper
Checks if the given subclass numbers are valid.
subSubclassExists(String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeSubSubclassMapper
Checks if the given sub-subclass numbers are valid.


uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper - package uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper
O/R mapping layer classes.
update(Compound, Compound, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCofactorMapper
Updates the ChEBI mapping of a cofactor, and the name if needed too.
update(EnzymeComment, Long, Status, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeCommentMapper
update(Long, EnzymeCommissionNumber, Status, EnzymeSourceConstant, String, String, boolean, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Updates the core data of an enzyme stored in the table ENZYMES.
update(EnzymeName, Long, Status, int, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeNameMapper
update(Long, EnzymaticReactions, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReactionMapper
Replace the reactions in the database related to one enzyme with those passed as parameter.
update(Reference, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
update(List<Reference>, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeReferenceMapper
updateEc(Long, EnzymeCommissionNumber, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Updates the EC of the given enzyme.
updateEvent(int, int, String, Integer, Integer, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.HistoryEventMapper
Modifies an event in the history.
updateEventNote(int, int, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.HistoryEventMapper
Updates the note for an event in the history.
updateFutureCreationEvent(int, int, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Updates a new enzyme creation event in the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
updateFutureDeletionEvent(int, int, String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Updates a future deletion event.
updateFutureModificationEvent(int, int, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Updates a new enzyme creation event in the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
updateFutureTransferEvent(int, int, String, String, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EventPackageMapper
Updates a transferred enzyme (target and origin) event in the FUTURE_EVENTS table.
updateHistoryLine(Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Updates the history line of the given enzyme.
updateLinkUrl(EnzymeLink, Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeLinkMapper
updateNote(Long, String, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Updates the notes of the given enzyme.
updateStatus(Long, Status, Connection) - Method in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeEntryMapper
Updates the status of the given enzyme.


visitedNodes - Variable in class uk.ac.ebi.intenz.mapper.EnzymeHistoryMapper
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