IntEnz is the name for the Integrated relational Enzyme database. IntEnz contains enzyme data that is curated and approved by the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NC-IUBMB). The goal is to create a single relational database containing enzyme data from three different sources:
The EBI has already implemented a relational database version storing the most up-to-date version of
the Enzyme Classification list (1) which contains enzyme data curated and approved by NC-IUBMB.
The relational database IntEnz is further populated by corresponding data from the Enzyme
Classification list of SIB (2) and from BRENDA (3).
The EBI has developed tools to maintain the database and allow propagation of new and
updated biochemical terminology, which has been integrated into the database, to the other partners.
The EBI also set up Internet services which initially facilitate text-based searches against the relational databases such as the protein sequence databases in UniProt (Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL, TrEMBLnew), the protein family signature database (InterPro), and Gene Ontology (GO).