View Javadoc

1   package;
3   import;
4   import;
6   /**
7    * This class stores additional information about a journal.
8    * <p/>
9    * Instances of this class are immutable.
10   *
11   * @author Michael Darsow
12   * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2008/01/28 12:33:10 $
13   */
14  public class Journal extends Reference {
16    private String pubName;
18    private String firstPage;
20    private String lastPage;
22    private String volume;
24    private String pubMedId;
26    private String medlineId;
28    /**
29     * Returns a Journal instance.
30     *
31     * @param id        The pubId.
32     * @param authors   The string containing all author names.
33     * @param title     The title of the publication.
34     * @param year      The year of the publication.
35     * @param pubName   The journal's name.
36     * @param firstPage The first page of the article.
37     * @param lastPage  The last page of the article.
38     * @param volume    The journal's volume.
39     * @param pubMedId  The PubMed ID.
40     * @param medlineId The Medline ID
41     * @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is <code>null</code>.
42     */
43    public Journal(Long id, String authors, String title, String year, String pubName, String firstPage,
44                   String lastPage, String volume, String pubMedId, String medlineId, EnzymeViewConstant view,
45                   EnzymeSourceConstant source) {
46      super(id, authors, title, year, view, source);
47      if (pubName == null || firstPage == null || lastPage == null || volume == null || pubMedId == null ||
48              medlineId == null)
49        throw new NullPointerException("No parameter must be 'null'");
50      this.pubName = pubName;
51      this.firstPage = firstPage;
52      this.lastPage = lastPage;
53      this.volume = volume;
54      this.pubMedId = pubMedId;
55      this.medlineId = medlineId;
56    }
58    /**
59     * Returns a string representation of this book.
60     *
61     * @return the string representation.
62     */
63    public String toString() {
64      StringBuffer referenceString = new StringBuffer();
66      referenceString.append(authors);
67      referenceString.append(" ");
68      referenceString.append(title);
69      referenceString.append(" ");
70      if (!pubName.equals("")) {
71        referenceString.append("<i>");
72        referenceString.append(pubName);
73        referenceString.append("</i> ");
74      }
75      if (!volume.equals("")) {
76        referenceString.append(volume);
77        referenceString.append(" ");
78      }
79      if (!year.equals("")) {
80        referenceString.append("(");
81        referenceString.append(year);
82        referenceString.append(") ");
83      }
84      if (!firstPage.equals("")) {
85        referenceString.append(firstPage);
86        if (!lastPage.equals("")) {
87          referenceString.append("-");
88          referenceString.append(lastPage);
89          referenceString.append(". ");
90        } else {
91          referenceString.append(" only. ");
92        }
93      }
94      // Medline is not accessible anymore.
95  //    if (!medlineId.equals("")) {
96  //      referenceString.append("[Medline UI: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"[med2pub-id:");
97  //      referenceString.append(medlineId);
98  //      referenceString.append("]%3Emedline+-view+MedlineRef\">");
99  //      referenceString.append(medlineId);
100 //      referenceString.append("</a>]");
101 //    }
102     if (!pubMedId.equals("")) {
103       referenceString.append("[PMID: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"[medline-PMID:");
104       referenceString.append(pubMedId);
105       referenceString.append("]+-e\">");
106       referenceString.append(pubMedId);
107       referenceString.append("</a>]");
108     }
110     return referenceString.toString();
111   }
113   /**
114    * Standard <code>equals()</code> method.
115    *
116    * @param o The object to be compared to this one.
117    * @return <code>true</code> if <code>o</code> is equal to this object.
118    */
119   public boolean equals(Object o) {
120     if (this == o) return true;
121     if (!(o instanceof Journal)) return false;
122     if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
124     final Journal journal = (Journal) o;
126     if (firstPage != null ? !firstPage.equals(journal.firstPage) : journal.firstPage != null) return false;
127     if (pubName != null ? !pubName.equals(journal.pubName) : journal.pubName != null) return false;
128     if (lastPage != null ? !lastPage.equals(journal.lastPage) : journal.lastPage != null) return false;
129     if (medlineId != null ? !medlineId.equals(journal.medlineId) : journal.medlineId != null) return false;
130     if (pubMedId != null ? !pubMedId.equals(journal.pubMedId) : journal.pubMedId != null) return false;
131     if (volume != null ? !volume.equals(journal.volume) : journal.volume != null) return false;
133     return true;
134   }
136   /**
137    * Generates a hash code for this object.
138    *
139    * @return the hash code.
140    */
141   public int hashCode() {
142     int result = super.hashCode();
143     result = 29 * result + (pubName != null ? pubName.hashCode() : 0);
144     result = 29 * result + (firstPage != null ? firstPage.hashCode() : 0);
145     result = 29 * result + (lastPage != null ? lastPage.hashCode() : 0);
146     result = 29 * result + (volume != null ? volume.hashCode() : 0);
147     result = 29 * result + (pubMedId != null ? pubMedId.hashCode() : 0);
148     result = 29 * result + (medlineId != null ? medlineId.hashCode() : 0);
149     return result;
150   }
153   // --------------------  GETTER  -----------------------
155   public String getPubName() {
156     return pubName;
157   }
159   public String getFirstPage() {
160     return firstPage;
161   }
163   public String getLastPage() {
164     return lastPage;
165   }
167   public String getVolume() {
168     return volume;
169   }
171   public String getPubMedId() {
172     return pubMedId;
173   }
175   public String getMedlineId() {
176     return medlineId;
177   }
179   // TODO: Put this method's content somewhere else.
180   public String toXML(int number, boolean intenzTextXML) {
181     StringBuffer xmlStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
183     xmlStringBuffer.append(super.toXML(number, intenzTextXML));
184     if (intenzTextXML) {
185       xmlStringBuffer.append("<pubName>");
186       xmlStringBuffer.append(pubName);
187       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pubName>");
188       xmlStringBuffer.append("<patent_no>");
189       xmlStringBuffer.append("</patent_no>");
190       xmlStringBuffer.append("<first_page>");
191       xmlStringBuffer.append(firstPage);
192       xmlStringBuffer.append("</first_page>");
193       xmlStringBuffer.append("<last_page>");
194       xmlStringBuffer.append(lastPage);
195       xmlStringBuffer.append("</last_page>");
196       xmlStringBuffer.append("<edition>");
197       xmlStringBuffer.append("</edition>");
198       xmlStringBuffer.append("<editor>");
199       xmlStringBuffer.append("</editor>");
200       xmlStringBuffer.append("<volume>");
201       xmlStringBuffer.append("</volume>");
202       xmlStringBuffer.append("<pub_place>");
203       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pub_place>");
204       xmlStringBuffer.append("<pub_company>");
205       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pub_company>");
206       xmlStringBuffer.append("<pub_med>");
207       xmlStringBuffer.append(pubMedId);
208       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pub_med>");
209       xmlStringBuffer.append("<medline>");
210       xmlStringBuffer.append(medlineId);
211       xmlStringBuffer.append("</medline>");
212     } else {
213       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <pubName>");
214       xmlStringBuffer.append(pubName);
215       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pubName>\n");
216       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <patent_no>");
217       xmlStringBuffer.append("</patent_no>\n");
218       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <first_page>");
219       xmlStringBuffer.append(firstPage);
220       xmlStringBuffer.append("</first_page>\n");
221       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <last_page>");
222       xmlStringBuffer.append(lastPage);
223       xmlStringBuffer.append("</last_page>\n");
224       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <edition>");
225       xmlStringBuffer.append("</edition>\n");
226       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <editor>");
227       xmlStringBuffer.append("</editor>\n");
228       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <volume>");
229       xmlStringBuffer.append("</volume>\n");
230       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <pub_place>");
231       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pub_place>\n");
232       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <pub_company>");
233       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pub_company>\n");
234       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <pub_med>");
235       xmlStringBuffer.append(pubMedId);
236       xmlStringBuffer.append("</pub_med>\n");
237       xmlStringBuffer.append("      <medline>");
238       xmlStringBuffer.append(medlineId);
239       xmlStringBuffer.append("</medline>\n");
240     }
241     return xmlStringBuffer.toString();
242   }
244 }