Special characters popup window (palette)
A popup window for web applications to insert XChars markup
easily in text fields.
This maven 2 module can be used as a dependency by any
other webapp:
Specifying the type 'war' does the trick: every
resource in this module - jsp, js, css, properties, gif
- is imported, overlaying the war files. Note that this
module's web.xml must be excluded from the overlay:
In the dependent webapp, the popup window can be called
using this javascript:
<script type="text/javascript" src="xcharsPalette/xcharsPopup.js" />
<form name="theForm">
<textarea name="theTextarea">blah</textarea>
<a href="javascript:openSpecialCharacterWindow('theForm', 'theTextarea');">
(or any onClick handler instead of this hyperlink)
Current limitations and issues
The javascript call must be done from a page at
the root of the application context.